How to cut your energy bill the easy way!

Use blinds and curtains effectively

What you choose to do with your window treatments has a significant impact on how warm or cool the rooms in your home are. Opening curtains and blinds during the day to let the sunlight in can quickly and cost effectively warm up a room, while closing thermal blinds or curtains in the early evening helps keep the heat inside.

Seal up those gaps

Weatherproof your home by insulating your floors, walls and roof, installing double-glazed windows, and sealing up any cracks between the walls and window panes. Stop the drafts coming in and your heat going out!

Dry smarter

Drying two or more loads of laundry in a row takes advantage of an already warm dryer. And ensure you clean the lint filter before every load; a clogged filter increases energy use by up to 30%!

Change your light bulbs

Replace all of the light bulbs in your home with low-energy LED light bulbs. Not only will you save energy on the lower wattage – LED bulbs use about 80% less energy and last longer, in summer you’ll save on cooling costs too as incandescent bulbs give off around 90% of their energy as heat.

Unplug and switch off

Most modern home electronics have features that make them easier to use – instant-on TVs, chargers and computers – that use electricity even when they’re not in use. Turn off and unplug electronics that you’re not using; you could save a whopping $75 in energy costs each year.

Clean and cool

Defrosting your fridge helps it work more efficiently, while cleaning the condenser coil on your fridge helps cut down on the amount of energy it uses. If you’re considering replacing any of the whiteware in your home, look for the Energy Star models with energy ratings to help you save energy.

Time it right

Turning off your hot water heater during the day or timing your electricity-heavy activities, like showering or laundry, before 7am or after 10pm helps reduce your energy costs and save you money.


Shannon Corbett