The Future of Technology... Control Your Home Appliances With an App!


Via an app on your phone, wherever you are in the world, you have control over switching an appliance on or off, or setting it's timer. It looks like the start of the future, a technology that will take over everything in our homes.

With a 'motion kit' you can practically control anything electronic in the home, which opens up a world of opportunities. Plug any appliance into the WeMo switch (for example), which then goes into your house socket.

It's kind of like a 'piggy in the middle' bridging the gap between the household appliances most commonly owned now, and future technology that will seemingly take over everything in our homes.

The my sky app supports the remote record app, so when you're out and have forgotten to record your favourite show, simply go the guide on the app and make a booking.

Most heat pumps coming to the market now can be controlled through your smartphone or tablet, meaning you can manage it (turn it off/on, temperature up/down) during the day with an app - handy when it's winter and you don't want to walk into a cold house!

Being able to tell your machine to start an hour before you get home is quite a handy thing to be able to do, why? No more all-day-stagnant-wet-washing to greet you of course! It is probably more of a nice-to-have rather than a have-to-have, but for a busy household it is potentially quite helpful. One or two brands also have the ability to help diagnose a problem (only with regards to its own functionality, not your own personal issues), going as far as 'speaking' to customer support.     

Turning certain lights on before you walk in the door. And apparently these bulbs last 50 times longer than traditional lights, and use 80 per cent less power!  

Out comes the Smart Slow Cooker that allows you to turn it on/off, temperature up/down and adjust cooking time. Users are saying it is helpful to be able to adjust the temperature on their dinner if they are going to be home later than expected.
